Skenia Flatlands

A pixelart canvas server that never forgets, made with paper ha ha

How To Play

This server is a part of Skenia Universe, to join use the dark blue portal.
You do not need to have a genuine Minecraft account.


Trailer soon...


Imagine a blank FullHD canvas..

Imagine anyone being able to draw anything, anywhere.

Imagine an anti-bot system that slows down spammers and griefers.

Imagine being able to view the history of this canvas, at any time!


Changing any pixel of the canvas takes energy, which regenerates constantly.
Using bots of any kind, spamming or griefing slows down this regeneration.
Skenia Flatlands Canvas is FFA, so you can draw over other drawings, that is not considered griefing.

More info to come, but no need to wait for it, start playing now!

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