SSG Privacy Policy

Active from 1st of May 2022.

1. Terms and Definitions

"SSG Apps" or "apps" refers to any games, general software or web pages created or maintained by SSG.

"SSG Services" or "services" refers to any of our background servers, inaccessible by users, that support our apps.

"Personalized Data", "User Data" or "data" is all information that identifies you personally, this might be your first or last name, email, phone number, physical address, account ID, IP address or similar. General product related information, for example, level data, in-game items or performance metrics, is user-agnostic and thus not considered Personal data.

2. Access to, and the collection of data

2.1 What data do we access?

In the process of verifying purchases made through our apps, our services will have access to details of the order you made. These details might include your e-mail, country code, date and time of the order as well as any details about the purchased products. This is done to prevent any misuse or fraud, and ensure a smooth player experience.

2.2 What data do we store?

SSG apps and services do not currently store any user related information.

2.3 Data handling

The information mentioned in section 2.1 is always transfered encrypted, from third party services to ours. Upon analysis on our side, the data is disposed of.

We use third party services to process the transaction of your purchases, this privacy policy does not cover their respective protocols.

Any additional functional communication between our apps and services is done through encrypted channels.

3. Personalized Ads

Some SSG Apps offer in-app advertisements. These are provided by third-party sellers and based on your device settings, might be personalized to you. SSG Services do not collect any advertiser relevant information, this includes your devices advertising ID.

SSG Apps comply with the IAB App-Ads initiative, for full transparency on which sellers are authorized to (re)sell SSG ad inventory. Our app-ads.txt file can be seen here.

4. Cookies and Local storage

The SSG web site uses browser cookies to operate. These are entirely functional and do not contain any personal data related to the user. No advertiser, tracker or third-party analytic cookies are used. By visiting this web site, you agree to the usage and storage of these cookies.

5. Contact

SkenonS Games

Mazuraniceva 36, Novi Sad, Serbia

[email protected]

© 2025 SkenonS Web v3